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White and rosé wines

The best white and rosé wines from the Marche region

Along the hills, the happiest areas for the prosperity of the vine and excellent grapes, the sun and air allow you to express high sugar levels and delicate aromas, essential for obtaining good wines of which the whole region is rich.

You will discover them in infinity!

BARBANGELO Benforte Verdicchio di Jesi DOC Classico Superiore 30%
Saves Saves
Annata: 2021
White TABANO Montecappone Marche TGI Best wine
Saves Saves
Annata: 2021
Artemisia Offida Pecorino DOCG  Tenuta Spinelli winery from Marche
Saves Saves
Annata: 2021
Pecorino Offida DOCG Numa winery - BIO
Saves Saves
Annata: 2022
Torre del Parco Tenuta Piano di Rustano Verdicchio di Matelica DOC
Saves Saves
Annata: 2021
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