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Mistra' aniseed liqueur Ngricca agri-distillery from Marche region

Mistra' aniseed liqueur Ngricca agri-distillery from Marche region

Product available
28,10 € vat included 23,00 € tax free Show vat price included Show price excluding VAT
Aniseed liqueur
Alcohol content
44 %
Serve to
14-16 °
0,500 L
Ascoli Piceno
End of meal, Corrective ruler of coffee
Distillation in alembic
Anice Castignano e Mela rosa
Typical Marche
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"Pass me between the cheeks and follow me. I will take you to the cellars where it all began"

Mistrà is the main distillate of our area and has always been part of the history of the Piceno area as well as of our family, which has its roots in its countryside.
Our appropriately revisited recipe boasts the aromas of the true and unique green anise of Castignano and the pink apple of the Sibillini, both slow food products.
These precious ingredients, together with a dozen other botanicals grown by us, join the vapors of alcohol thanks to our "Peppe" alembic in the only agridistillery in the Piceno area.
The classic Mistrà is closely tied to tradition.
Perfectly clear to the eye,
it is proposed to the nose with a delicate scent of anise, which becomes preponderant and imposing once the first sip is taken.
Accompanied by the not negligible alcohol content of 44 ° which is not however perceived, it gives the opportunity to appreciate all the botanicals present, such as the Pink Apple of the Sibillini with its fragrance and aromaticity, following the Green Anise of Castignano undisputed master of the scene .
The aim of obtaining a rough Mistrà as the original recipe requires, but not rough and disjointed, has been perfectly achieved with a balanced product while remaining tied to tradition.
Perfect as an after meal, thanks to the marked digestive quality given by the green anise or as a "warmer" on cold days, due to the generous alcoholic content.


Die Arbeit des Destillateurs ist vergleichbar mit der eines Malers, bei dem die Palette das Territorium und die Pinsel die Pflanzenstoffe sind, die mit Geschick und Meisterschaft eingesetzt und kombiniert werden, um den Gaumen mit Aromen und Geschmacksrichtungen zu erregen, die den wertvollsten Piceno verdichten anbieten.


Via Enfiteusi, 6/A

63078 Spinetoli (AP)

T: +39 0736 626679

M: +39 351 7800077

E: [email protected]


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