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Where the Ascoli olive is reborn,

Love for the territory and for the products of the earth that make it famous.

Where the Ascoli olive is reborn,

The land of the company has been owned by the family for four generations and in the last sixty years have mainly hosted cereal crops, vineyards, olive groves and orchards.
In 2009 the need arose to give a more modern and at the same time local imprint to the company, consequently the decision to allocate the entire company fund to the cultivation of the Ascoli Piceno PDO olive, planting over a thousand olive trees.

The choice of producing soft Ascolan olives is clearly linked to the love for the territory and the products of the land that make it famous.

The ambitiousness and modernity of our project do not lie in the planting of the young olive grove, but in the creation of the PDO olive processing laboratory in brine which allows us to close the production chain of tender ascolana in the company.

Oliva Ascolana del Piceno POD

Green table olives, in brine or breaded and stuffed, fruit of the Ascolana Tenera olive variety.

The “Ascolana Tenera” variety of the genus Olea europaea subspecie sativa was perfectly known even in Roman times. The Latins called them colymbades, deriving their name from the Greek verb, κολυμβαω (colymbáo), which means: I swim, precisely in reference to the method of conservation.

Producing a "DOP" brand food means accepting and submitting to the strict directives of the production disciplinary that impose the certified supply chain.
The processing is subjected to constant checks at every stage, from production to transformation.

Pickled olives

Pickled olives

The olive is harvested around mid-September, strictly by hand and one at a time.
The deamarization phase follows in which the fruit is immersed in an alkaline solution for 8-10 hours and loses its characteristic bitter taste.
In the following days, water washes are performed, at this point the olives are ready to be immersed in a saline solution with the addition of wild fennel.
After the fermentation process the olives are constantly checked so that no anomalous fermentations are created that would affect their quality and are ready to be packaged in jars.
Before being consumed, they must be desalted, immersing them in fresh water for a variable time based on the degree of salinity.

Montalto delle Marche a village where it is possible to find numerous medieval architectural features, such as the walls and doors that still surround the town.

Located in the hilly area that goes from the Adriatic coast to the Sibillini chain, at a distance that can be covered in twenty minutes, both from the sea and from the mountains.

Land planted with olive trees located in the municipalities of: Rotella, Lapedona and Montalto delle Marche.

Thanks to the experience handed down by the nonii, the plant has a sixth of 7x7 meters to allow excellent ventilation for the plants and a drip irrigation system fed by an artificial rainwater collection lake.

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