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Wine shop

Selection of wines, sparkling wines and beers from the Marche region.

To make known and appreciated to the general public the wonderful variety of excellent wines, sparkling wines, spirits and flavored liqueurs produced in the Marche, Mymarca in its online wine shop offers for sale, in limited quantities and at particularly advantageous prices, the best they offer Marchigiani wine producers.
You will also find an interesting selection of craft beers that only ask to be ... tasted.

TERRA DI MEZZO Verdicchio di Matelica DOC La monacesca
Saves Saves
Annata: 2015
MOSSONE Santa Barbara Marche Merlot IGT red of great personality
Saves Saves
Annata: 2018
CHAOS Marche IGT red wine Farm and vineyard Le Terrazze near the Conero
Saves Saves
Annata: 2018
Ludi Offida Rosso DOCG Velenosi
Saves Saves
Annata: 2018
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