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Roberto Cantori the founder

is strongly convinced that being from the Marches and being born in a world in a telluric and romantic way at the same time is a destiny

Roberto Cantori the founder
Cantina Nannì

“Where I come from there is a mountain that protects the valley and the castles around it.

It's nice to have a small peak in the distance, badly chipped on one side, crooked turtle dome, and which acts as a lighthouse when you don't have the sea.

It's called Monte San Vicino and it overlooks a large vineyard as well, and guards it, in the Apiro countryside.

The wine of the young Fattoria Nanni was born from this vineyard, all painted by Nina, a green balcony towards a lighthouse that has the shape of a rock, and which has been telling us since we were little what the weather will be like, what color the sky will be, everything you can see it and you can't see it, and on which side you will find the moon."

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