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Bittersweet gardener Nonna Maria from the Marche

Bittersweet gardener Nonna Maria from the Marche

Product available
560 Gr
11,20 € vat included 10,20 € tax free Show vat price included Show price excluding VAT
Sweet and sour vegetables
560 Gr
Starters, Aperitif
Ancient traditional recipes
Fresh vegetables
No preservatives
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A giardiniera which thanks to its mix of liquids and spices remains very delicate, in which the flavors of the respective vegetables can be felt, it also remains very crunchy, in short it must never be missing on your tables.

Ingredients: Peppers, Fennel, Cauliflower, Carrots, Onion, Celery in variable quantities, Water, Vinegar, Wine, Extra virgin olive oil, Salt, Sugar, Spices. May contain traces of sulphites.
For the preserves we select the best vegetables from Valdaso, all harvested and processed by hand, as well as cleaned of the less cared for parts.
For the sweet and sour preparation we use the so-called "bagna", in which we recreate the old traditional recipe handed down to us by grandmother Maria: water, vinegar, white wine, salt and sugar.
Each type of vegetable is macerated separately, to then be potted together with the others in the liquid.
This results in a very delicate and crunchy product, in which each vegetable retains its flavor and character.

Average values per 100g
Energy 205 KJ 49 kcal
Fats 0.7g of which Saturated Fatty Acids 0.1g
Carbohydrates 7.3g of which sugars 6.6g
Fibers 1.0g
Protein 2.8g
Salt 2.9g

Nonna Maria conserve

Quality, Craftsmanship, Tradition

Agricultural company specialized in the production of fruit jams, pickles in oil, giardiniera and sweet and sour Pedaso red onion, preserves and excellent tomatoes.

Nonna Maria di Properzi Daniela

Via Aso 30
63823 Lapedona - Fermo - Marche - Italia

Tel. 338 153 8388

Mail: [email protected]

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