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Light, inclusive and appetizing

Pinsa Lia, the basis for artisanal Pinsa with top quality ingredients.

With Lia there is more substance.

For your tasty breaks or to celebrate an occasion or simply

to share the pleasure of eating a good pizza with friends.

Light, inclusive and appetizing
Pinsa LIa Lab

Light - because highly digestible, contains rice and soy flour; as well as slow leavening and long maturation.

Exclusive and inclusive - because it was born thanks to the active contribution of special people with fragility, included in a social cooperative.

Appetizing - because soft and crunchy; enhances cooked and raw, savory and sweet ingredients; no limits to gastronomic imagination.

La predisposizione ad aiutare gli altri, ha permesso l’incontro tra Roberto e Marianna.
Con la cooperativa DANAE Soc. Coop. Sociale

Realizziamo percorsi di informazione e formazione.

Diamo la priorità nell’inserimento lavorativo a persone svantaggiate o con disabilità.

Diffondiamo la cultura alimentare sana e bio.

Commercializziamo prodotti di qualità con un progetto etico.

Realizziamo progetti per la tutela dei prodotti del territorio e dell’ambiente.


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