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Elica kitchen hoods are the world's No 1

YOU ARE WHAT YOU BREATHE - We are what we see and touch. Above all, we are what we imagine. We are really ourselves when we sense the world around us with our eyes closed and in silence.
We are air flying over our space. No limits, no weights. We are free, like the sky, flying just for a moment, from the West to the East, from the North to the South. Still and hovering, while new air flows through us.
We are open, brave and proud of being ourselves. Lovers of beauty and design. Lovers of the home, its rooms and stories, its light and reflections. Lovers of gravityless technology.
We are sky, air, flying, space. We are new air, we are what we breathe. We are Elica. And you are like us.

Elica offers a rich range of models featuring every possible type of hood: modern, country-style, classic, wall-mounted, corner-mounted, island and built-in.
Elica are the world's No 1 - 
With over thirty years’ experience in the sector, Elica has combined meticulous care in design, judicious choice of material and cutting edge technology to become the prominent market figure it is today. The company has revolutionized the traditional image of the kitchen cooker hood: it is no longer seen as a simple accessory but as a design object.
Discover the importance of having a hood - The hood improves life in the kitchen. Choose from the many models that best suited to your cooking habits or based on the size of your kitchen. We remind you that the Italian rules provide for the obligation of a hood in the kitchen
Choosing a Cooker Hood - One of the key things to consider is style and look. But to ensure your choice gives optimum performance it should be at least as wide as your oven or hob. Will your choice be ducted to the outside of the house? If so, the ducting needs to be the right size; a cooker hood installed with the correct ducting will extract virtually all the steam, cooking odours and airborne grease from the kitchen. If however, it’s impractical to install ducting in your home, then charcoal filters can be used to re-circulate fresher air around the room. Whichever method chosen, Elica adopt only the latest European standards when measuring the efficiency of their products. That’s why Elica cooker hoods are recognised around the world for their unsurpassed performance.

Elica kitchen hoods are the world's No 1
Elica kitchen hoods are the world's No 1

Il Gruppo Elica, attivo nel mercato delle cappe da cucina ad uso domestico sin dagli anni '70, è oggi leader mondiale in termini di unità vendute. Vanta inoltre una posizione di leadership a livello europeo nella progettazione, produzione e commercializzazione di motori elettrici per cappe e per caldaie da riscaldamento a uso domestico.

Elica si è aggiudicata i due più importanti riconoscimenti all’innovazione che vengono assegnati in Italia: il Premio dei Premi, patrocinato dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri e l’Award al Premio IxI (Innovazione per l’Impresa), indetto da Confindustria, per raver realizzato prodotti che migliorano la vita delle persone e rivoluzionato l’immagine del prodotto precedente.

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